Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation

Analyze the latest advancements transforming the logistics and supply chain sectors. This program highlights how emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain are enhancing operational efficiency, improving visibility, and fostering sustainable practices in supply chain management.

Keeping up with the pace of change in logistics and supply chain is no easy task. With hundreds ofstartups in the sector utilizing the latest technologies, industry disruption can come at anymoment. That’s why we created the executive immersion program The Future of Logistics andSupply Chain. A 5-day experience in Silicon Valley, the program cuts through the noise surroundinginnovation. It brings participants into direct contact with the areas of the logistics and supply chainindustry where we see the most disruptive activity today. These include:

o Supply chain management, financing and collaboration

o Shipping, warehousing and procurement

o Fleet management, last-mile delivery and autonomous vehicles

o Asset tracking, traceability and compliance

Program participants connect with companies innovating in each of these branches of logistics and supply chain. These interactive, curated sessions provide both data on current trends and insights into how those trends will create the industry’s future. Having gained that knowledge and met disruptive companies, participants will be ready to lead their own innovation initiatives.Such initiatives are set to prove crucial as digital transformation continues. An ability to innovate will enable logistics and supply chain industry stakeholders to respond positively to the questions posed by disruption, including:

How will digital reshape my organization in the coming

What investments need to be made, in technology, talent and resources?

When does my organization need to launch new products and partnerships to secure its future position?

The Future of Logistics and Supply Chain provides answers to these questions and much more.

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